T0TAL "C" No4 ----------------- 1.. BORLAND C++ RELEASE 5.02 Compiler Enhancements --------------------- New 32-bit compiler (BCC32.EXE) provided with this release A Make following a failed Build All rebuilds from the point of failure New compiler option under Options|Project|C++ Options| General called Zero-Length Empty Class Member Function (like -Vx) Editor Enhancements ------------------- Read-only files identified by an "R" after the file name Search|Replace includes a Change All option IDE remembers the cursor position of the last 100 edit buffers that you closed IDE automatically loads the Tips script to display tool tips Cursor changes in left gutter to indicate that a click will drop a debugger breakpoint Debugging Enhancements ---------------------- New options in Options|Environment|Debugger|Debugger Behavior: Do not save files or prompt when debugging and Do not prompt when attempting to run 16 bit applications New option in Options|Project|Compiler|Debugging: Debugger status glyphs: Lightning bolt (if running) and Pause Process (if stepping or at breakpoint) Debug menu: View Locals command creates Local Inspector (to watch local variables) when the IDE Debugger has a process loaded The Watch window shows values in hex, decimal, or both formats CPU View stack pane indicates the current position While debugging, editor tooltips display the value of the symbol under the pointer And a lot more ... 2.. BOUNDSCHECKER v5.0 VISUAL C++ EDITION *ENGLISH* SERIAL # : 1510-5703B9-53 BoundsChecker 5.0 C++Builder Edition is the most comprehensive error detection solution for developing the highest quality C++ Builder applications on WinNT and Win95. BoundsChecker automatically pinpoints static, stack and heap memory errors, and resource leaks. Unlike ordinary memory-checking tools, BoundsChecker validates the latest Windows APIs including ActiveX, DirectX, OLE/COM, ODBC and many more. With BoundsChecker, you will find fix even the most elusive without ever leaving the C++Builder development environment. 3.. DELPHI 3 CLIENT/SERVER SUITE This CD ROM includes the following files in DELP3CS\ Please read and fully understand.! INSTALL.TXT Installation instructions. README.TXT Release notes, last-minute documentation, and a list of known problems. LICENSE.TXT The Delphi license agreement. DEPLOY.TXT Information about deploying Delphi applications. \INSTALL Contains the setup program and related files. \IB95SRVR Contains the InterBase Server for Windows 95. (Delphi Client/Server only.) \INFO Contains subdirectories with information and third-party demo products. The \INFO\EXTRAS directory contains source code and other files for JPEG and FIF graphics formats, and for data-compression algorithms; for more information, see INFO\EXTRAS\EXTRAS.TXT. \IE3 Contains Microsoft's Internet Explorer 3.01. \TRIALS Contains trial versions of the IntraBuilder Web application development tool (in \TRIALS\INTRABLD) and of C++Builder, Borland's rapid application development tool for C++ programmers (in \TRIALS\CBUILDER). \ISXPRESS Contains InstallShield Express, a customized application deployment tool for Delphi 3, the BDE, and related software. \LOCALIB Contains the Local InterBase software. (Delphi Client/Server and Delphi Professional.) \OLENT Contains the OLEnterprise setup program. OLEnterprise, with the Business Object Broker, provides an OLE/DCOM interface to any RPC or COM server. (Delphi Client/Server only.) \RUNIMAGE Contains a complete Delphi installation. All files are unpacked and in the default directory structure. \SQL16 Contains 16-bit SQL links for use with Delphi Client/Server. Run SETUP.EXE (in the \SQL16\DISK1 subdirectory) to install SQL Links. (Delphi Client/Server only.) \DELPHI16 Contains the last 16-bit release of Delphi (version 1.02). Run SETUP.EXE (in the \DELPHI16\INSTALL subdirectory) to install. 4.. DELPHI V1.1 Delphi's visual design environment lets you create sophisticated Windows applications faster than any other development tool. Because Delphi is built around an optimizing native-code compiler, Delphi applications are up to 10-20 times faster than interpreted code. Delphi integrates the Borland Database Engine, so you have instant support for dBase, Paradox, and ODBC local databases. Delphi includes the Local InterBase Server so you can create standalone client/server applications with a high-performance ANSI SQL-92 compatible database server. Delphi includes Borland's award-winning ReportSmith report writing tool, which allows programmers to prepare innovative reports using live data in all popular database formats. Delphi Client/Server includes all of Delphi plus high performance native drivers for Oracle, Sybase, Microsoft SQL Server, Informix and InterBase remote servers with unlimited application deployment. You also get team development support, ReportSmith SQL, a Visual Query Builder, source code to the Visual Component Library (VCL), and the Local InterBase Server Deployment Kit. Delphi includes an Open Tools API capability that allows you to extend the Delphi environment to include your own tools, experts, and so on. By using this API, you can seamlessly integrate these extensions into the Delphi environment. For details, refer to the file TOOLINTF.PAS located in the \DELPHI\DOC for Delphi or in the \DELPHI\SOURCE\VCL directory for Delphi Client/Server. Source code for an example expert is also located in \DELPHI\DEMOS\EXPERTS directory. 5.. DELPHI 3 PROFESSIONAL EDITION Before distributing applications developed with Delphi, please read the guidelines in DEPLOY.TXT (on the Delphi CD or in the Delphi 3 directory). For installation instructions and minimum system requirements, see INSTALL.TXT (on the Delphi CD or in the Delphi 3 directory). For an overview of Delphi and a list of new features, select Help|What's New from the Delphi main menu. For information about migrating from previous releases of Delphi, including maintenance of legacy applications and installation of third-party components, see the Compatibility With Version 2 topic in the online Help. For detailed documentation, see the online Help and printed manuals that accompany this release. Additional documents are on the Delphi CD in the INFO\BORLAND directory. Check Borland's Web site at http://www.borland.com/ for documentation updates and other information. NOTE: All printed and online documentation assume that you have installed Delphi using the default directory structure. 6.. ISE EIFFEL 4.0 L FOR WINDOWS NT/95 -BORLAND C++ VERSION- EiffelBench is a visual workbench for object-oriented development The acclaimed EiffelBench environment for fast incremental recompilation (melting), C code generation, finalization of optimized executables, graphical browsing, automatic documentation tools (including generation of HTML, RTF, MML and other formats), debugging, object inspection etc. Extensive on-line documentation. Extensive reusable libraries (several hundred classes!): EiffelBase, the most thoroughly designed library covering fundamental structures of software engineering, from stacks and queues to files and iterators; WEL, the Windows Eiffel Library, for building robust graphical applications taking full advantage of the Windows API. These libraries come precompiled. C and C++ interface. The Eiffel Resource Bench: generate a Windows graphical application, using WEL, from a resource file produced by a Windows GUI builder such as Microsoft Developer's Studio. 1. Select purchase and enter any serial, name and company 7.. ISE EIFFEL 4.0 L FOR WINDOWS NT/95 -MS VISUAL C++ VERSION- EiffelBench is a visual workbench for object-oriented development The acclaimed EiffelBench environment for fast incremental recompilation (melting), C code generation, finalization of optimized executables, graphical browsing, automatic documentation tools (including generation of HTML, RTF, MML and other formats), debugging, object inspection etc. Extensive on-line documentation. Extensive reusable libraries (several hundred classes!): EiffelBase, the most thoroughly designed library covering fundamental structures of software engineering, from stacks and queues to files and iterators; WEL, the Windows Eiffel Library, for building robust graphical applications taking full advantage of the Windows API. These libraries come precompiled. C and C++ interface. The Eiffel Resource Bench: generate a Windows graphical application, using WEL, from a resource file produced by a Windows GUI builder such as Microsoft Developer's Studio. 1. Select purchase and enter any serial, name and company 8.. MICROSOFT VISUAL J++ PROFESSIONAL There was a lot of debate over whether to release this one due to the fact that DOD released a ripped version. This is from the Version to release 3/19 and contains all the files, including SDK's and help that was ripped from the DOD version. So Enjoy! 9.. MICROSOFT VISUAL SOURCE SAFE V5.0 The first step in installing Visual SourceSafe is the Server Setup: the Visual SourceSafe administrator creates the SourceSafe database on a network server that all users have access to, and adds all users to the Visual SourceSafe user list. At this point, all users can begin running Visual SourceSafe directly from the server: no further installation is required. However, each user may wish to take a second step and do a personal Network Setup. This step improves performance and reduces network traffic, by copying the Visual SourceSafe executables to the user's hard drive. More importantly, this step registers Visual SourceSafe for direct integration into host environments such as Microsoft Visual Basic (Enterprise and Professional Editions, versions 4.0 and above), Microsoft Visual C++ (versions 4.0 and above), Microsoft Access (requires the Office Developer Edition), Microsoft FrontPage (FrontPage '97 and above), Microsoft Visual J++ (all versions), Microsoft Internet Studio (all versions), and Microsoft Visual FoxPro (versions 5.0 and above). The Visual SourceSafe integration into these environments will not work until the user has done a network or client setup. The Visual SourceSafe Setup program can also be used to upgrade an existing Visual SourceSafe installation, or to perform maintenance (adding and removing components) on an existing installation. 10.. WATCOM `97 FOR C/C++ *SE* /WIN95/NT/OS2 Watcom is a programming environment for c/c++ coders. This Special Edition Of Watcom for 97 features all the classic tools and some new ones, in one Edition, For Win95, NT, and OS2. Ripping Notes: This edition had a whole multimedia help office. That was kicked out and Was elegantlly replaced by the v6.1 help files for basic learning. So When you are prompt during the installation choose to get help files to HardDrive and don't leave them on the cd-rom since this link was kicked. run SETUP.EXE. and Enjoy!