E-MAIL WARS 5 +++++++++++++ Duddie and Rafu (Psemu) V The Fox (Emulators Unlimited) 1.What is next for the PSemu? Still PSEmu.... then PSEmu.... until it will be PSX exact copy!!!! 2.What games are currently running the best on the PSemu other than Raiden from the sent-in test results? I have noticed only raiden..... 3.What type of computer do you think will be best implemented in running your emulator (eventually)? I'm going to work on my.... K5-90 24MB RAM but..... We will see..... My friend is writing asm version out of my code.... and then we are going to optimize the code.... Anyway... day by day it get slower.... due to fact that it started GTE and it is done without MMX.... I think that MMX would help... but... I don't have!!! Also if I use 3d acceleration.... it will be faster.... maybe DirectX... but first of all this must run at least one full game!!!! :) 3.What do you think of the PSX emulator? I have never believed it is possible to do this these days.... Maybe for 2 years.... But... I have decided to do this.... 4.What's your favoutite three PSX games? Raiden Project, Soul Edge and Bubble Bobble..... :) 5.When do you plan your next release of PSemu and what is planned to be the changes this time? (rough idea) Dunno when... I have to renovate my house... and also my waife claims that I'm spending too much time with emu.... :) 6.Have you ever thought of creating another emulator and if so for what platform? I have been making emu of Amiga for PC but UEA showed up... so... i dropped this! 7.Why are the current gfx on Raiden only polygons and how do you impliment them further? On Raiden I there is a lot of gfx... almost all without textured polygons.... So.... Raiden II is without any gfx.... dunno why!!!!!! I'm working on this... I love this game.... I would love to implement sound for this (good like old Depeche Mode music(with Vince Clark!!!)) :) THE FOX P.S RESULTS TESTING (answered by Duddie and Rafu) >PSX demo CD Broken Sword demo: the psx copyright screen came on then went off - maybe crashed. CD read failure... dunno why!!!! Tenka: The title screen came on but nothing happens. Hanged on interupt or root counter handling routine... still working on this!!!! PS... TELL EVERYBODY THAT IF THEY WANT ROM-IMAGE FOR PSEMU LET THEY BUY AN ORIGINAL CD!!!! THIS EMU WILL NEVER SUPPORT IMAGES AND ALSO I'M NOT GOING TO FILL MY DISK WITH 650MB OF SHIT!!!! Best regards: Duddie & Rafu