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ROMMAN's Retro Collection (1 cd) COMPRESSED (ZIPPED)

If you're a fan of retro then this cd will bring back the memories !!


200 Amstrad CPC games
200 Apple II/e games
100 Atari XL games
160 BBC Micro games
10,000+ CBM-64 games
105 Color Genie games
154 Dragon 32 games
182 MSX games
77 Oric-1/Atmos games
2,600 Spectrum games
30 TI-99/4a games
400 VIC-20 games
800 ZX81games

UK £15 (Sterling) $24 (US)
Europe £16 (Sterling) $26 (US)
Rest of the world £17.50 (Sterling) $28 (US)

All prices include Recorded Delivery within the UK, or International Recorded Delivery and Air Mail for overseas addresses. Delivery is within 14 days of receipt, due to clearance of cheques etc.

Important Note: if sending money from the UK send a cheque, postal order or cash, but from any other country
please send either cash (UK Pounds or US Dollars) or an International Money order.

Contact: ROMS@NetcomUK.CO.UK